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Can’t decide between Calacatta or Carrara? We don’t blame you. Calacatta and Carrara are two of the most coveted types of marble. While these luxurious stones share a common origin—both hailing from Italian quarries—they offer distinct aesthetics, come at different price points, and lend themselves to varied applications. Let’s examine the distinctive differences between Calacatta […]
Is your home graced with the timeless beauty of marble? If so, you’re in good company! Whether it’s elegant countertops or eye-catching flooring, marble has been the hallmark of luxury for centuries. But here’s the catch—proper maintenance is essential to keeping marble looking pristine. Without care, its porous nature makes it susceptible to stains, scratches,
Are you thinking about choosing the perfect marble for your new worktop? If you’re still undecided, that’s completely understandable! With so many stunning options—each with its own unique pattern, colour, and texture—selecting the suitable marble can feel a bit overwhelming. But the great news is that finding the one that suits your style and space
New York Marble, a distinctive natural stone quarried in Turkey, has been prized for being one of the most bold, intricate and aesthetically appealing forms of natural stone in the world. Whether you’re a homeowner considering a renovation or an architect planning a landmark project, understanding New York Marble can help you get the most
Taj Mahal Quartzite has become famous for numerous architectural and design projects. Renowned for its captivating look and remarkable endurance, this material brings a unique blend of beauty and strength to any space. But what exactly is Taj Mahal Quartzite? Let’s explore the specifics of this exquisite stone, including its texture, applications, advantages, upkeep, cost,
Have you ever wondered what makes specific spaces exude unparalleled elegance and luxury? Often, the secret lies in the materials used, and one material that consistently stands out is Calacatta marble. This exquisite stone, renowned for its striking veining and classic white background, continues to captivate homeowners, designers, and architects alike. We’ll discuss the versatility
Calacatta marble, with its striking white background and bold veining, has been a coveted material in high-end design and construction for centuries. This prized Italian marble is characterised by its distinctive appearance, unique patterns, and colourisation varieties. In addition to its aesthetic value, Calacatta marble offers versatility in residential and commercial settings (from kitchen countertops to lavish
If you’re considering purchasing marble slabs for a home renovation project or other application, one of the key factors to plan for is the cost. Marble is a premium natural stone, which makes its cost significant. However, marble’s elegant look and durability make it a worthwhile investment for many homeowners and designers. To ensure you can properly
Meet Quartzite—the natural stone that combines marble’s beauty with granite’s resilience. When it comes to creating a stylish, exquisite, and beautiful space, quartzite slabs have become well-sought-after by homeowners and designers. Meanwhile, quartzite is often confused and mislabelled as other natural stones. A simple internet search can reveal a world of misinformation and misconceptions about it. Some
Prized since ancient times, Carrara Marble is a stunning natural stone with over 2000 years of history. Each piece has its own colours, unique veins, and patterns. If you have been planning to add some marble elements to your home, you’ve probably already heard about Carrara Marble. But what makes this marble so unique and well
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