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White marbles are more elegant than other marble variants and are always associated with luxury, value, solemnity and grace. Baasar Stone is a leading natural stone supplier, offering high-quality white marbles that are sure to deliver an impressive finish to residential and commercial space. Our white marble slabs and benchtops boast unique design patterns that reinforce the trend and enhance the interior with their refined hues. They also exude distinct veins and strokes that make these stones the cynosure of all eyes. Being a top choice for interior designers, builders and homeowners across Melbourne, our white marble stones are appropriate for kitchen countertops, bedroom ceilings, floorings, hallway walls, furniture pieces, etc.
We have different types of white marbles, including:
Calacatta Marbles
Carrara Marbles
Grigio Nuvolato Marbles
Statuario Marbles
Bianco Marbles
New York Marbles
Calacatta White Marbles:
This is a unique Italian marble with the combination of white and gold veins that look eye-catching. Due to its unique colour and pattern, this marble is very much appreciated by developers and interior designers. Available in both polished and honed finishes, this natural stone is ideal for being used as kitchen countertops, kitchen islands, shower surrounds, backsplashes and flooring.
Carrara White Marbles:
This is one of the most demanded natural stones across the globe. With its pristine white background and grey or soft black veins, this sophisticated marble is ideal for low traffic areas such as master bedrooms and hallways. Boasting stunning and unique design, white carrara marble is also a popular choice for flooring and interior decoration.
Grigio Nuvolato Marbles:
Grigio Nuvolato is a light grey-coloured marble that boasts the look of the clouds. Featuring very thin veins in a parallel pattern, this stone is ideal for making refined floors, countertops, sinks, vanities and many other interior and exterior design projects.
Statuario Marbles:
This is a more exclusive marble stone with a bold pattern and distinct grey & gold veining throughout. It has a very graceful appearance, making it an optimal choice for most architects and designers across the globe. Statuario marble is an ideal pick for kitchen countertops, bathroom vanities, backsplashes, flooring and other interior applications.
Bianco Marbles:
As a highly-valued marble since ancient times, Bianco marble is well-known for its slight bluish and greyish shades with very fine grains. Whether used in honed or polished form, Bianco stones make a perfect fit for bathroom, bathtub, staircase and hearth. In fact, it can transform any space into something luxurious with its lavish look.
New York Marbles:
This is a prominent white marble with black, lightening-like veins running throughout. Though commonly used for bathroom vanities, bathtubs and kitchen benchtops, they also make a perfect fit for any commercial project.
Get Premium & Exquisite White Marbles from Baasar Stones
At Baasar Stones, our extensive collection of marbles caters to diverse preferences and requirements, ensuring we have the perfect choice for your unique space and lifestyle. Our white marble slabs for benchtops are not just about functionality; they embody elegance and style, enhancing the value and aesthetic appeal of your home.
As a prominent supplier of natural stones in Melbourne, we source our marble from one of the world’s best quarries to ensure each piece you get meets the highest quality standards in the market. Our white marble collection is nothing short of spectacular, providing you with reliability and excellence for all your marble requirements.
If you’re considering buying marble for residential or commercial purposes and want to buy white marble slabs in custom quantities, reach out to us at Baasar Stones for a quote on our collection of premium white marble slabs for benchtops. Our team is eager to assist you in selecting the perfect stone slab, so you get the best returns on your purchase for years to come.
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