How To Spot The Difference Between Real And Fake Granite Countertops?
Since years ago, granite has been the prominent choice for most people, when it comes to luxury countertops. Due to their increased popularity, many unscrupulous people in the industry have started manufacturing fake countertops. The worst part is that you can’t easily identify the fake countertops from the real ones as these replicas look very realistic and mimic the same features of the original granite products. Of course, these fake countertops never match the beauty and durability of authentic countertops. As a leading natural stone supplier in Melbourne, we have shared you a few tips on how to identify whether the countertops or fake or real.
Check The Colour and Pattern:
First thing to notice is the colour and pattern of the granite slab. If the same colour and pattern is seen throughout the slab, it is more likely to be human-made. When it comes to natural granite, every slab is unique in its own way, and no two slabs have similar colour, textures or veins.
Try The Water Test:
Natural granite stones are porous, so when you pour water on the original granite slab, water would be absorbed rather than running off the slab. However, the manmade granite slabs contain epoxy resins and are completely non-porous, meaning that the water will not be absorbed.
Try The Tap Test:
When you visit the showroom of a natural stone supplier in Melbourne, simply tap on the slabs and carefully listen. If it is real granite, you will hear a ringing sound when you tap on it. However, the fake granite stones will not make such sound as they are non-porous due to which the sound is muted.
Examine The Joints:
If the granite is real, you will notice the change in the pattern at the seams, whereas with real granite, you won’t notice such shifts. To observe this difference, you should be present during the installation.
Buy Granite Benchtops From Baasar Stones:
One of the best things you can do to get the best value for your money is to buy Stone Benchtops from Baasar Stones. As a leading natural stone supplier in Melbourne, we only stock authentic products that are sourced from the best quarries around the world. To know more about our collection of natural stones, call our Campbellfield showroom (03) 9357 7780 and talk to one of our in-house experts.