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New York Marble, a distinctive natural stone quarried in Turkey, has been prized for being one of the most bold, intricate and aesthetically appealing forms of natural stone in the world. Whether you’re a homeowner considering a renovation or an architect planning a landmark project, understanding New York Marble can help you get the most […]
Prized since ancient times, Carrara Marble is a stunning natural stone with over 2000 years of history. Each piece has its own colours, unique veins, and patterns. If you have been planning to add some marble elements to your home, you’ve probably already heard about Carrara Marble. But what makes this marble so unique and well
Part of cleaning and maintaining your countertops is to make sure that they are free from harmful germs and other disease causing micro-organisms. Over the last couple of years, we all have learnt the importance of disinfecting every part of your home to stay safe. When it comes to disinfecting the marble countertops, there are
The interiors of bars and restaurants are usually designed using natural stones as they are known to create the right ambience and withstand the traffic that these establishments undergo. The surfaces of restaurants and bars should standup to wayward knife, abrasions, spills, pigmented liquids, citrus and acids on a daily basis. Fortunately, there are some
Choosing natural stone countertops is one of the biggest decisions that you would ever make. If you have knowledge in all types of stones and are able to choose the right stone for your kitchen, the end result will definitely make you wonder. However, if you don’t have much idea about these stones, check out
When it comes to kitchen and bathroom countertops, natural stones have become the most popular option for many homeowners today. These countertops boast unique and luxurious look while promising amazing performance and longevity. Installing natural stone slabs and countertops will also help increasing the value of your home. However, with so many variants, colours and
While there are so many options available for flooring, nothing can take over the benefits offered by natural stones. Besides being sturdy, beautiful and long-lasting, they are also highly versatile that they can be used both outdoors and indoors. These days when energy conservation is the main goal of the most homeowners, using natural stone
Natural stones have fascinated the attention of the construction industry for many centuries and been used as a luxurious material option for flooring. In spite of the advent of artificial flooring tiles like ceramic and porcelain, the natural stones have retained their charm till today. Here are some reasons why natural stones make a perfect
Granite could be one of the toughest igneous rocks formed in the depths of the earth, but this doesn’t mean that you can get away with anything on your granite countertops. Granite is stronger than nails, but it is not just the granite slabs you need to worry about. Here are certain things that you
When it comes to kitchen countertops, granite is one of the most popular materials for several good reasons. The limitless number of colours and styles available make it easier to pair up with any type of appliances and cabinetry. This kind of flexibility and durability makes it the foremost choice for most homeowners. Here are
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