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Baasar Stones is one of the leading natural stone suppliers in Melbourne, stocking a wide range of products made from granite, marble, quartzite and dolomites to choose from. With more than a decade of experience in the business, we have been supplying our natural stone materials to homeowners, builders, architects and interior designers across Geelong and the surrounding suburbs at an affordable price tag. We have experienced consultants who can help you throughout the purchasing process and guide you plan the perfect usage of stone in your home. Our consultants can also recommend the type of stone benchtops in Geelong that may be suitable for your project based on your budget and desired aesthetic designs.
Marble Slabs Geelong
Marble stones inject unique characters into your interior and add a fabulous backdrop to your space whilst being a very low maintenance material. Baasar Stones has the widest range of marble slabs and benchtops in beautiful colours and special lustres, giving a rich appearance to floors, walls, staircases, skirting, vanities, countertops, etc. In addition to residential property, our marble products are widely used in commercial properties such as offices, hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, schools, etc.
Granite Slabs Geelong
Among all natural stones, granites are the most durable, hardest and beautiful stones that are preferred by property owners worldwide. The aesthetics by the installation of granite stone benchtops to your home simply shows up and the look remains unmatched. Whether you need granite stones to spruce up your interior or outdoor space, Baasar Stones can supply products that stand the test of time.
Super White Dolomites Geelong
As a popular variety of natural stones, the super white dolomites can bring natural beauty to any room. Though it’s been widely used in kitchens and bathrooms, the super white dolomites available at Baasar Stones can be a perfect addition to any area of your home. With its functionality and beauty, this natural stone makes the ideal choice for flooring, bathtubs, kitchen benchtops, splash backs, etc.
Natural Stone Benchtops Geelong
Natural stones are known for their distinctive beauty and many practical benefits they offer. At Baasar Stones, we carry a wide range of natural stone benchtops in Geelong – granite benchtops, marble benchtops, quartzite benchtops and super white dolomite benchtops that are available at unbeatable prices. Our collection of benchtops offers alluring designer appeal and ensures maximum performance.
How to Care for Your Natural Stone Benchtop?
To ensure the stone benchtops in your Geelong home last longer, ensure you regularly clean them with warm water and mild pH-balanced household cleaners along with a soft, non-abrasive cloth or sponge. As natural stone is porous, don’t forget to seal it to prevent stains and etching. Avoid any acidic or corrosive substances like lemon juice, coffee, or food coloring from spilling on your benchtop. You can use coasters and placemats to clean up spills and minimise staining.
Remember, while natural stone is heat-resistant, it’s not heat-proof. Don’t place extremely hot items on our Geelong stone benchtops as this may cause discoloration or cracking. Use trivets, insulated mats, or hot plates instead.
Despite its hardness, using the benchtop as a cutting board can dull knives and wear down the polish. Always use chopping boards to protect the surface. Stay cautious around vulnerable areas such as joins, sink edges, and areas where heavy downward pressure may occur. While the stone may be strong, these areas are likely susceptible to damage.
Impressed with our range of products? Need a free, no-obligation quote? Call (03) 9357 7780 and talk to one of our in-house experts today to inquire about our stone benchtops in Geelong!
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